NFL Draft: QB Ryan Nassib

17 04 2013

4. Ryan Nassib QB Syracuse

6’2” 229lbs 4.95 forty yard dash

               Ryan Nassib has been flying under the radar his entire career, primarily because he goes to Syracuse which is not known as a hotbed for football as of late. His lack of attention grabbing can also be blamed partially on the football teams 8-5 record that hasn’t really wowed the critics. Nassib had 3749yds passing with 294 completions out of 471 passes attempted, giving him a 62.4% completion ratio. Nassib also threw for 26 touchdowns to only 10 interceptions. His greatest asset may just be his football IQ which was on display in his interview with Jon Gruden for “Gruden’s QB Camp” aired on the ESPN networks. At the beginning of his senior season Nassib was asked to learn a whole new offensive concept which was based on the no-huddle, combination plays idea. Nassib was asked to run read option which based on his slow forty times was not easy for him to do. The rumor mills have Nassib going to the Buffalo Bills where his former college coach Doug Marrone is now the head coach. Even though Buffalo seems like a logical fit, the Bills have needs across the board, and picking Nassib in the first round does not maximize the picks value (at least for now). Look for Nassib to go somewhere in the second or third round where his abilities will bring more value. Nassib may be one of the toughest QB’s in the draft but must be careful not to try and do too much in the NFL or risk having a short injury riddled career. Like most QB’s entering the NFL, if placed on a good team where he can sit and learn, Nassib has an opportunity to have a long productive career.



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