Boise States Coach Chris Peterson’s Qualities of an Elite Coach

17 04 2013

  This was taken from the 2008 Nike Coach of the Year Clinic:

Pyramid of Success: Building a Tradition of Excellence…Brick by Brick

Chris Peterson, Boise State University2008 Nike Coach of the Year Clinic Friday, March 7, 2008Excellence – to do a common thing with uncommon discipline and uncommon persistence Qualities of an

Elite coach

1)     Integrity – honest, humble, respectful, selfless, patient, forgiving, committed

2)     Quest for constant improvement – always trying to find a better way; creative; passion for football and recruiting

3)     Positive & enthusiastic – bring people “up;” instill confidence in others; sense of humor

4)     Great teacher – expert; prepared; clear, concise, & substantive

5)     Poised – can control temper when frustrated; under control when no one else is

6)     Demanding – high standards; will hold people accountable; composed

7)     Self-starter – one step ahead; high output; low maintenance – take care of your responsibilities

8)     Work ethic – grinder; relentless finisher; work smarter, not harder 

9)     Organized – simplify; no detail is too small; meeting room is clean & functional∙1-hr. meeting requires 2 hrs. of prep; end staff meetings in time for coaches to prep for their responsibilities & area-meetings

10)  Leader – vision for your group; role model; evaluator of talent



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